US BioTek

Environmental Toxins Test

Most people are exposed to environmental toxins from a wide variety of sources, which gradually accumulate within the body during the course of many years. Unless evidence-based detoxification protocols are enacted, these toxins can contribute to disease and distress. The Environmental Pollutants Profile provides quantitative measurement of 14 important metabolites, which measure an individual’s toxic burden while providing key insights used for personalized detoxification intervention.

 Take this test if you…

  • Live in a house/building built before 1978
  • Have previously tried various health/nutrition interventions, but failed to achieve the results you desired
  • Have amalgam fillings or have them removed except by specific methods designed to prevent exposure
  • Have regularly had seasonal flu shots
  • Are interested to start a targeted detoxification protocol based on measured metabolites and proven removal methods (as opposed to pop-culture “detox” programs, which are typically not evidence-based)

Collection instructions in English

Инструкции по сбору биоматериала на русском

Instructions de collecte en français

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