US BioTek
Candida Panel
This in-depth “Candida” panel analyzes Candida antigen and IgG, IgA, and IgM antibodies specific to Candida to help identify an overgrowth of the fungus, suspected to be the underlying cause of a number of symptoms.
Take this test if you…
- Have suffered or are you suffering from mucosal epithelial, tracheobronchial, and recurring genito-urinary candida infections
- Suffer from skin and fungal infections
- Suffer from Joint Pain
- Suffer from Sinus infections
- Are tired and fatigued
- Are easily irritable
- Have ongoing sweet cravings that you are finding hard to resist
- Are very thin and are have difficulty gaining weight
Collection instructions in English: blood serum
Collection instructions in English: dried blood spot (DBS)
Инструкции по сбору биоматериала на русском: сыворотка крови
Инструкции по сбору биоматериала на русском: сухое пятно крови (СПК)